El Museo La Neomudéjar ha firmado un acuerdo con la Fundación de Los Ángeles Building Bridges.
Debido al confinamiento, se ha coordinado una primera acción de cooperación entre ambas instituciones para difundir el trabajo de lxs artistas.
Creemos que hay que ponerse positivxs y dar apoyo a lxs artistas para visibilizar el trabajo que hacen pesé al coronavirus.
Os proponemos a todxs lxs artistas que nos hagan llegar un breve video de lo que están haciendo en su casa/taller.
Estos videos se subirán a las redes sociales (facebook + instagram) de ambas instituciones como apoyo a lxs artistas y su colaboración a la sociedad.
Con motivo de esta propuesta, se presenta el video ‘Paisajes Encerrados’ para dicha convocatoria:
[English version]We signed a formal collaboration agreement between La Neomudejar Museum in Madrid, Spain and Building Bridges in Los Angeles
Due to the quarantine, this will be our first collaborative action, where we will share efforts between both institutions to spread the work of all artists during this artistic campaign
We believe that we have to remain calm and positive, supporting the artistic community promoting their work during times of covid_19
We propose to all artists to send us a short video of what they are doing in their home / studio .
These videos will be uploaded to the social networks (facebook + instagram) of both institutions in support of the artists and their collaboration with society.
Building Bridges Art Exchange
Museo La Neomudéjar