Líquida v1.4a


Título del trabajo: Presentación ‘Líquida v1.0’ & revista Mi.MO

Nombre del evento: Opening ‘Video Match’13

Ciudad de celebración: Ljubljana. Eslovenia.,

Fecha de celebración: 15/10/2013

Entidad organizadora: Gallería ZDSLU (The Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies)

Líquida v1.4a

Grupo artísitico: If…then. Autores: Joaquín Díaz; Sylvia Molina; Javier Osona; Julio Sanz.


The ‘Liquid v1.4a’ is a facility that allows us to capture the processes based on the viewer’s presence. The viewer observes a process, a non-lineal guidelines that another viewer generate simultaneously at the other side of space. Two space come together thanks to the technology. The actuator’s shadow is present at the same time in the same space. It generates a dialogue between the different spaces.

This is the mock play of the ‘real’.

The processes are not static and suggests the multiplicity of possibilities. The work moves between mathematical structures and poetry derived signic patterned on a ‘score of behaviors’ that the viewer has to interpret acting.

This project exists at the time of the execution, not earlier than later, so that’s why this piece exists.

The machine needs to run in a way that express interactivity. An invisible device produced by the presence of the viewer.


Exposiciones (ver otras versiones de líquida)

Video Match’13.

Gallería ZDSLU.

Ljubljana. Eslovenia.

15/10/2013- 19/10/2013.


Videos relacionados:

Líquida para la revista Mi.MO 2013:



Presentación Inauguración Ljubjana:


Galería de imágenes:


[gview file=»http://www3.uclm.es/profesorado/symolina/websanteriores/2016/ifThen/liquida/2013_Liquida_v1-4a/DOCs/Liquidav14a_14Oct2013.pdf» save=»0″]






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